• Leadership in Practice: Lisa Flavin of Emerson

    June 6, 2008

    Leadership in Practice: A Conversation with Lisa Flavin, Vice President of Audit, Emerson Corporation Q:  Can you give me a two minute synopsis of how you got to where you are now? A: My first job out of college was at Ernst & Young. I stayed [...]

  • Leadership in Practice: Jennifer Joyce, Circuit Attorney, City of St. Louis

    March 1, 2008

    Leadership in Practice A Conversation with Jennifer Joyce, J.D., Circuit Attorney, City of St. Louis Q: Can you give me a two minute synopsis of how you got to where you are now? A: When I graduated law school, I went to work at a [...]

  • Planting Seeds for the Future: Making time for Development Conversations

    December 1, 2007

    by Rik Nemanick, Ph.D. In October, I took a trip to Maui, where I drove the road to Hana. Those of you who have made the winding drive carved into the windward side of the Haleakalā volcano will no doubt recall the lush, tropical vegetation [...]

  • Leadership in Practice: Bob Reiter of Monsanto

    September 14, 2007

    Leadership in Practice A Conversation with Bob Reiter, Ph.D., Vice President Breeding Technology, Monsanto Company Q:  Can you give me a 2 minute synopsis of how you got where you are now. A:  I was leading a small team for a number of years for [...]

  • Getting the Most out of Coaching and Mentoring

    September 1, 2007

    by Rik Nemanick, Ph.D. As you know, we are believers in the power of coaching and mentoring in developing leaders (see the June 2005 issue for the difference between mentoring and coaching). We have developed the suggestions below during the years we have spent coaching [...]

  • Leadership in Practice: Greg Kozicz of Alberici

    June 7, 2007

    Leadership in Practice: A conversation with Greg Kozicz, Ph.D., President, Alberici Q: Can you give me a 2 minute synopsis on how you got where you are now?  A:  After completing a Ph.D. in international relations and working in the Canadian Foreign Service, I was approached [...]

  • Tips for Setting Goals

    March 1, 2007

    When it comes to setting goals, we find that people struggle most with writing a goal that is motivating and meaningful. While there are many tips out there to help you write your goals better (e.g., using S.M.A.R.T. criteria), there is one tip that seems [...]

  • Giving Feedback in Mentoring

    December 10, 2006

    by Rik Nemanick, Ph.D. One of the more underutilized tools mentors have at their disposal is giving feedback to a protégé. Because most mentors don't observe protégés in their daily work, they may not feel they have the opportunity to give feedback. As a result, [...]

  • Mentoring in Practice: Kelvin Taylor of Maritz

    December 1, 2006

    Mentoring in Practice A Conversation with Kelvin Taylor, President of Maritz Loyalty Marketing  Q: Can you give me a two minute synopsis of how you got where you are now? A: After I started my career as an actuary with the Department of Labor, I [...]

  • Mentoring in Practice: John Scott of Tyco Healthcare

    September 20, 2006

    Mentoring in Practice: A Conversation with John Scott, Vice President of Organization Development, Tyco Healthcare Q: Can you give me a two minute synopsis of how you got where you are now? A: It was through three things I believe.  First, make sure I was clear on my [...]

  • Getting the Basics Right: Logistics in Mentoring

    September 14, 2006

    When I first started working with organizations to design mentoring programs, I did research to learn the keys to successful mentoring partnerships. The biggest surprise was the importance of deciding on logistics up front. Many potential mentoring pairs failed to form because the parties did [...]

  • Mentoring in Practice: Bill Deemer of SLU

    June 14, 2006

    Mentoring in Practice: A Conversation with Bill Deemer, Vice President (retireed) of GE Insurance; Mentor in Residence, John Cook School of Business, Saint Louis University Q: Can you give me a quick synopsis of where you are and how you got here? A: I started out [...]