Best Practices in Leadership Assessment


Finding leaders who are a good fit for your organization is an ongoing challenge. The costs associated with the selection process (and the costs of poor decisions) make choosing the right assessment tools a critical decision for your organization. Given the multitude of choices among assessments, selecting high quality assessment tools that fit your needs can be a daunting decision.

Join Bob Grace and Rik Nemanick, principals of The Nemanick Leadership Consulting, to understand the best practices for using leadership assessment to enable organizational results. Rik and Bob will share experience from helping organizations like Monsanto, AnheuserBusch, Novartis, and Prudential as they lead the discussion.

Attendance is free, but seating is limited, so please RSVP.

Date & Time
Wednesday, June 26, 2013 – 7:30 to 9:30 AM

No Cost
The Nemanick Leadership Consulting is making this program available at no cost, but seating is limited, so please RSVP.

Opinions, Incorporated
716 Geyer Avenue
St. Louis, MO


Register by clicking HERE. or (866) 660-LEAD (5323)


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Previous Public Seminars

The Coach’s Toolkit: Practical Tips for Coaching Others – (March 2013)
Beating the Peter Principle: Picking the Best Leaders
– (Decemeber 2012)
Driving Results Through Employee Engagement – (October 2012)
Getting the Most from Leadership Coaching – (June 2012)
Accelerated Mentoring – (April 2012)
Best Practices for Mentoring Programs – (March 2012)
Turning Strategy Into Results – (December 2011)
Helping Managers Tackle Performance Problems
– (September 2011)
Best Practices for Succession Planning – (June 2011)
Before the Crash: Managing Leadership Derailers – (April 2011)

Public Offerings

Bob and Rik will be facilitating sessions at the COCAbiz SPARK 2013 conference May 16-17, 2013. You can learn more information here.

Check this space for future public seminars from Rik & Bob.

Past Speaking Engagements

Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis
Distributors Council
Gateway Industrial Organizational Psychologists
Human Resource Management Association of St. Louis
Institute of Internal Auditors
Institute of Management Consultants of St. Louis
International Association of Business Communicators of St. Louis
Junior League of St. Louis
Leading Edge Alliance
Medical Group Management Association of Greater St. Louis
National Association of Black Accountants
St. Louis Organization Development Network
Structural Engineers Association of Kansas & Missouri
Lewis & Clark SHRM
Mentoring in the Legal Profession
Developing the Strategic Leader
Best Practices in Mentoring: Relationships and Processes
Mentoring for Employee and Leader Development
Mentoring for Internal Auditors
Understanding the Power of Executive Coaching
Communicating for Change
Strategic Planning in Nonprofit Organizations
Creating Partner Accountability for Firm Success
Strategy for Your Group Practice
Building Effective Mentoring Relationships
The Tools of Strategy
Maximizing Leadership Capital
Driving Results through Employee Engagement