• Eight Tips for Getting the Most Out of Mentoring

    December 17, 2004

    by Rik Nemanick, Ph.D. Are you getting the most out of your mentoring experience? Many mentees who have mentors with whom they've been matched through a formal mentoring program wonder what they should do with their mentors. Below are some suggestions I've collected from participants [...]

  • Mentoring in Practice: Betsy Cohen of Nestlé Purina PetCare

    October 27, 2004

    Mentoring in Practice: A conversation with Betsy Cohen, Vice President, Extended Enterprise, Nestlé Purina PetCare Company Q. How long have you been at Nestlé Purina PetCare and its predecessor companies? A. Twenty-four years. I started in brand marketing, moved up into marketing and sales, and new [...]

  • The Benefits of Multiple Mentors

    September 24, 2004

    Why Stop with Just One Mentor? A mentor can a great resource to help you think through current challenges, manage a career strategy, or just vent frustrations. While research has shown those who have mentors tend to have better career-related outcomes that stem from these [...]

  • Mentoring in Practice: Karen Seibert of Pfizer

    June 12, 2004

    Mentoring in Practice A conversation with Karen Seibert, Ph.D., Vice President, St. Louis Discovery Site Head, Pfizer Global Research and Development Q. How long have you been at Pfizer and its predecessor companies? A. I've been in St. Louis for 15 years. I started at [...]

  • How Can I Benefit from a Mentor?

    June 12, 2004

    by Rik Nemanick, Ph.D. Whether you already know someone whom you would consider a mentor, or you think finding a mentor would help you advance your career, you may not consider the many ways they can learn from a mentor. Mentoring works best for those [...]

  • Are You Ready to be a Mentor?

    April 1, 2004

    Whether intentional or not, many of us will find ourselves in the role of a mentor during some point in our lives. Whether these relationships are more formal (part of a program or from an explicit request for mentoring) or less formal (a relationship that [...]

  • Mentoring in Practice: Dan Getman of Pfizer

    March 1, 2004

    Mentoring in Practice Dan Getman, Ph.D., Vice President, Pfizer Global Research & Development Q: Tell me about a person who made a difference to you in your career. A: Almost every boss or colleague I have had has been a mentor in some regard. I [...]